Physical & Mental Health Resources
Health-Related Resources, Policies, and Procedures
Physical and Mental Health Resources (All Grade Levels)
Parents and students in need of assistance with physical and mental health concerns may contact the following campus and community resources:
- the district nurse
- the campus counselor
Policies and Procedures that Promote Student Physical and Mental Health (All Grade Levels)
The district has adopted board policies that promote student physical and mental health. (LOCAL) policies on the topics below can be found in the district’s policy manual, available at
- Food and nutrition management: CO, COA, COB
- Wellness and Health Services: FFA
- Physical Examinations: FFAA
- Immunizations: FFAB
- Medical Treatment: FFAC
- Communicable Diseases: FFAD
- School-Based Health Centers: FFAE
- Care Plans: FFAF
- Crisis Intervention: FFB
- Trauma-informed Care: FFBA
- Student Support Services: FFC
- Student Safety: FFF
- Child Abuse and Neglect: FFG
- Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation: FFH
- Freedom from Bullying: FFI
In addition, the District Improvement Plan details the district’s strategies to improve student performance through evidence-based practices that address physical and mental health. See the campus improvement plans posted on the district website for more information.
The district has developed administrative procedures as necessary to implement the above policies and plans.
Please contact the campus principal for further information regarding these procedures and access to the District Improvement Plan.